A Look At CSD Program Areas



Global Government Forum – The research and development components of the S&T’s Cyber Security Division provide a fascinating look into the various ways in which an information resource is established and deployed across the digital landscape. This can be in the form of a standard, a framework, a tool, or some form of technology. The main function with any of these things is to facilitate seamless and secure interactions amongst various homeland security parties.


The aim of the research and development (R&D) components to the CSD is to provide a fast turnaround. An aggressive stance is taken to researching the various security concepts that are potentially available to the CSD and other interested parties. It is considered optimal when the CSD is able to research, establish, and implement a cybersecurity solution in short order.


Moving CSD solutions from research to real life situations is always the goal of the department. To that end, there are a number of ways in which the R&D portion of the CSD endeavors to keep itself, Homeland Security, U.S. business interests, and citizens safe from the seemingly endless array of known and unknown cyberattack methods.



Essentially, the CSD has established five different program areas. Although each program area has its own unique components, all of them are in the end designed to serve the larger interests of the CSD and the United States as a whole.


Breaking down the five program areas of the CSD will reveal the following:


  • The Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure (TCI) is designed to focus on protecting the critical infrastructure that serves to define such crucial components to the functionality of the United States as the oil/gas pipelines.
  • The Foundational Elements of Cyber Systems (FECS) is designed to understand and establish the elements that are essential to safe cyber-systems. New technologies related to cybersecurity, which are eventually released to public interests, can be found here.
  • Cybersecurity User Protection and Education (CUPE) is designed to give everyone the tools and educational resources necessary to understand, detect, and combat cybersecurity threats.
  • Research Infrastructure to Support Cybersecurity is designed to offer research infrastructures for both the national and international levels. These infrastructures are designed to give individuals and groups the potential to explore, create, and test new technologies, approaches, and other concepts within cybersecurity.
  • Cyber Technology Evaluation and Transition (CTET) is designed to establish and maintain a coordinated approach to allow for assessment, evaluation, and even operational experiments. The aim is to turn research into implementable reality.



To find more out here’s an exclusive interview with Gregory Touhill regarding cyber security.

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